lesena hiša wud

About us


In our company, we work hard to make sure that our wooden constructions are properly designed, as this is the fundamental basis for a high-quality final execution. Catering the needs of our customers, we are constantly working towards creative solutions and optimal implementations for all wooden buildings, built from cross-laminated structures or skeletal wooden constructions. We use state-of-the-art tools for our planning, which makes planning and implementation errors almost impossible.


With our extensive knowledge and experience, we successfully design even the most demanding constructions in partnership with our suppliers and contractors, as the obtained certificates attest.


Massive wood buildings have a long shelf-life and durability and meet even the strictest quality requirements. Wooden construction abides by all earthquake safety and ecological sustainability requirements.

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Contact us

We invite you to call us or send us a message. We'll be delighted to help you design and realize your building plan. Our skilled experts with years of experience will help and advise you on the construction and technological solutions.

About the company

WUD d.o.o. is a company with extensive experience in the field of wood construction. We offer a modern and flexible system for constructing wooden structures and expert advice and assistance with planning wooden objects for individual construction. We also offer a calculation of the cost of the building constructions, all necessary analyses, production of workshop plans for wooden and steel structures. We carry out the professional assembly or execution with our own assembly group. We're partnered with the Austrian company Binderholz, a leading business in the field of CLT boards and bonded supports with a 70-year tradition. This ensures the highest level of quality and customer satisfaction.


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